Get your solid timber fencing panels in Westhoughton at Rospal. We stock a nice selection of heavy-duty V Board panels. These fence panels go well anywhere which is likely why it’s our most popular. If you want a nice privacy fence that blends with the nature surrounding it, this is a good choice. Flat, concave or convex top is your choice as well as height. The true beauty, strength and luxury is in the timber itself. Our selection of European fencing is dual-faced so it looks great on both sides. Decorative and with lattice options, this is an excellent choice for garden fencing. We also have a selection of open slat Palisade made from 4×1 timber that allows a view and airflow. These panels make a nice perimeter fencing choice. All our fencing is heavy duty and solidly constructed. We also build to your specifications
We only use FSC certified timber, harvested and sourced in Ireland and the UK from environmentally managed and controlled woodlands. For our customers in Westhoughton, fencing panels are pressurised and treated using modern technology to protect against the elements. Therefore, we can offer you a ten-year guarantee against all fungus, wood rot and decay. As your timber fence panels age, they take on a unique beauty all their own that compliments nature’s surroundings. That’s important for the aesthetics and kerb appeal of your property. Manmade fencing materials are durable but they don’t blend with their surroundings. We’re sorry but our fence panels will not shine or reflect light. That would be unnatural.
Fencing panels in Westhoughton are the perfect fencing solution for any purpose. If you are tired of looking at your neighbours junk, put up a high fence with overlapped timbers. Do the same if you are tired of your neighbour looking at you. Our fence panels will provide decades of security and safety for your property and family while adding value and appeal to your property. Contact us or visit us and see first-hand the quality built fence panels available to you. We can help you custom design to suit your needs and offer free quotes on fencing and professional installation. The results will give lasting pleasure. While you’re here, have a look at our attractive gates, decking, garden sheds and artificial grass.